Costa Brava La Selva Tossa de Mar Places to eat

The best 65 Restaurants in Tossa de Mar

We've prepared a guide to all the restaurants in Tossa de Mar and sorted them into categories. You choose what you want and we''ll find it for you. So that you don't waste your time when hunger strikes.

If you fancy a good paella or if you've decided that it's pizza night in Tossa de Mar, you' ll find the best restaurants near you below. Select the type of cuisine you want and set your preferences: find the vegan options or the ideal place to eat with your family in Tossa de Mar.

We update this guide every time we have the opportunity to visit Tossa de Mar and try a new place, so check out our favourite restaurant lists and our Singulars if you are looking for new gastronomic experiences in Tossa de Mar.

Bon appétit!

The 15 best rated Restaurants in Tossa de Mar

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